Welcome to our Terraria Cheats guide, where you can check all the Chat (Tag & Commands) & Server commands available for PC
Terraria Cheats – Chat Commands & Tags
Chat Commands
- /me action – sends a message as a third-person action. For example: * George sneezes.
- /p message –a message, but only for party members
- /players or also /playing – display the players in the server
- /roll – gives integer, but the amount is random (1 to 100)
Chat Tag
- color or also c – changes text colours, uses RGB values as a hexadecimal number.
- item or also i – displays an item
- name or also n – displays the player’s name
- a – shows an achievement
- glyph or g – displays a controller button
Terraria Cheats – Server Commands
- help – Displays a list of all the available server commands.
- playing – same as /playing chat command, Displays the list of players
- clear – To clear the console window
- exit – exits server after saving
- exit-nosave – exits server without saving
- save – Saves the game
- kick <player></player>
- ban <player></player>
- password – To see the plassword
- settle – Settle all water
- password <pass></pass> – To change the password.
- time – to see the game time.
- say <words></words> – a global message for all the players in the server in yellow
- motd – Print MOTD.
- motd <words></words> – To change MOTD.
- dawn – Changes the time to dawn 04:30 or 04:30 am.
- noon – Changes the time to noon 12:00 or 12:00 pm.
- dusk – Changes the time to dusk 19:30 or 07:30 pm.
- midnight – Changes the time to midnight 00:00 or 12:00 am.
Command line parameters
You can only use them when running TerrariaServer initially:
- -config <config file=””></config> – if you want to use an specific config file or .cfg
- -port <port number=””></port> – if you want to use an specific port to listen on.
- -players <number> / -maxplayers <number></number></number> – To set the max players number.
- -pass <password> / -password <password></password></password> – To set the server password.
- -motd <text></text> – To set the server motto of the day text.
- -world <world file=””></world> – To Load a world
- -worldname <world name=””></world> – To change the name of the world
- -secure – To Add cheat protection
- -steam – To Enable Steam support.
- -lobby <friends> or <private> </private></friends> – You can set the server public or also private
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