Megaman Zero 4 Recipes Guide – Chips & Items – All the Head Chips, Body Chips and Foot chips recipes and their parts or ingredients
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Megaman Zero 4 Recipes – Head Chips
These are all the Head Chips recipes and their ingredients:
A-CHARGE recipe parts: V Missile, Sandozer, Raiken, Raiken.
A-RECOVER1 recipe parts: Poplan, V Fencer
A-RECOVER2 recipe parts: Poplan, V Fencer, ArcCannon
A-RECOVER3 recipe parts: Poplan, V Fencer, ArcCannon, P Corpse
Q-CHARGE1 recipe parts: BeamWalker, RBCannon
Q-CHARGE2 recipe parts: BeamWalker, RBCannon, NicosCrabB
Q-CHARGE3 recipe parts: BeamWalker, RBCannon, NicosCrabB, SerpentGear
A-FILLING recipe parts: Bonsect, Molegule, Glacial, Mechameson
WEAPONPLUS recipe parts: Bonsect, Bongal, V. Fire, Triaformer. Descripción: Añade 1 de munición al arma del Z-Knuckle.
Megaman Zero 4 Recipes – Body Chips
These are all the Body Chips recipes and their ingredients:
ABSORB recipe parts: Axeloid, Gyrator, and also Ceratanium
ROLLING recipe parts: Moloid, LamplortX, TellyBomb, and also Ceratanium.
ERASE recipe parts: MiniCrabanB, MiniCrabanR, E-Laser, and also Ceratanium.
STRONG recipe parts: GangaGun, and also Ceratanium
STRONGER recipe parts: GangaGun, Mechameson, and also Ceratanium.
STRONGEST recipe parts: GangaGun, Mechameson, NeedBalloon, and also Ceratanium
REFLECT recipe parts: Gyrator, RefleBeemer, and also Ceratanium
EXTEND recipe parts: Bombadeer, Hechrysta, Eledeserter, and also Ceratanium.
ELF recipe parts: ScrapElf, Beeneran, Mettaur, and also Ceratanium
Megaman Zero 4 Recipes – Foot Chips
These are all the Foot Chips recipes and their ingredients:
QUICK recipe parts: Kerberos, Kerberos, and also Kerberos
DOUBLEJUMP recipe parts: Faital, GangaGun, GyroCannonH, and also C-Hopper
SPLASHJUMP recipe parts: CryoNeon, Yadokroid, and also MeduHopper.
SPIKETYPEI recipe parts: NeedBalloon, CrossByne, and also CryoNeon
SPIKETYPEW recipe parts: V Claw, Poplan, and also GlassCannon
FROG recipe parts: MagnePaN, MagnePaS, and also Kerosh
Other Recipes
These are the rest of the items recipes and their ingredients:
S Crystal recipe parts: Faital, Mechameson, V. Fire, and also Ceratanium
JunkHead recipe parts: Junk, SerpentGear, and also GlassCannon
JunkBody recipe parts: Ceratanium, S-Crystal, GangaGun, and also Junk
JunkFoot recipe parts: Junk, Bombadeer, Moloid, and also BeamWalker
Junk Part: 2 parts of your choice