Cube World Cheats, Console & Slash Commands guide, we will provide you the full list of cheats and we will explain you the effect of each one of them
Cube World Cheats – Slash Commands
To use the Slash Commands, press Enter and type the command:
- Dance Emote – /dance
- Pet Emote – /pet
- Sit Emote – /sit
- Wave Emote – /wave
- PvP Fight – /pvp: But both players have to use this console command
- Change your name – /name newname
- Change your pet name – /namepet newname (visit the Pets & Food guide)
- Connect to a server – /connect X: Where X is the server address
- Disconnect from the current server – /disconnect
Cube World Cheats – Console Commands
To use the Console Commands, press Enter and type the command:
- Message to all players – /say X: Where “X” is the Message to send
- List of connected players – /who
- List of connected players with their locations – /whowhere
- Locate a player – /whereis nameoftheplayer
- Locate yourself – /whereis
- Kick a player – /kick X: Where “X” is the name of the player or the player id
- Ban a player – /ban X Y: Where “X” is the name of the player or the player id, and “Y” is the reason. You can simply type /ban [playername] if there is no reason
- Unban a player – /unban X: Where “X” is the ip address
- Kill a player – /kill X: Where “X” is the name of the player or the player id
- Stun a player – /stun X Y: Where “X” is the name of the player or the player id, and “Y” the duration. The duration is specified in miliseconds, so if you want to stun a player for 2 seconds, type 2,000 instead of Y.
- Heal a player – /heal X Y: Where “X” is the name of the player or the player id, and “Y” the amount of HP to restore
- Set Time – /setclock X: Where “X” is world time, format example = “16:44”
A video from the youtuber AntiFX where you can see how to use the console commands or cheats: