Welcome to our Answers Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery, where you can check all the posible questions you will need to answer in class
Answers Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery
Below you can check all the quiz questions & answers Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. . If you want, you can also check our Social Questions guide
Answers Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery – Charms
1 – Question: What does the charm Lumos Provide? and also the Answer: Light
3 – Question:What is the name of the Wizard village near Hogwarts? and also the Answer: Hogsmeade
4 – Question:Who is the History of Magic Professor? and also the Answer: Professor Binns
5 – Question: What is the effect of the Stupefy spell? and also the Answer: Confringo
6 – Question: Which of these is not a cleaning spell and also the Answer: Arithmancy
7 – Question: Who is the Transfiguration professor? and also the Answer: Minerva McGonagall
8 – Question: What kind of spell is Flipendo and also the Answer: Jinx
9 – Question: Who previously held Snape’s post? and also the Answer: Horace Slughorn
10 – Question: Who would make the most use out of the charm Alohomora? and also the Answer: Theives
11 – Question: Madam Hooch has distinct yellow what? and also the Answer: Eyes
12 – Question: Where is Hogwarts located? and also the Answer: Scotland
13 – Question: What is the best way to extract juice from the Sopophorous Bean? and also the Answer: Crush it
14 – Question: How many students sleep in each Hogwarts dormitory? and also the Answer: 5
15 – Question: Who is the conductor of the Frog Choir? and also the Answer: Filius Flitwick
16 – Question: Before Dumbledore, who was the Headmaster of Hogwarts? and also the Answer: Armando Dippet
17 – Question: Why would you Cast Alohomora? and also the Answer: Unlock a Door
18 – Question: What is the name of the Hogwarts Poltergeist? and also the Answer: Peeves
19 – Question: What is the name of Filch’s cat? and also the Answer: Mrs. Norris
Answers Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery – Potions
1 – Question:Who wrote Magical Draughts and Potion? and also the Answer: Arsenius Jigger
2 – Question: Which ingredient is not used in Shrinking Solution? and also the Answer: Rotten egg
3 – Question: What kind of Cauldron do first year students need? and also the Answer: Arsenius Jigger
Answers Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery – Flying
1 – Question: Which of these is not a type of Broom? and also the Answer: Occamy
2 – Question: What is the name of America’s magical government? and also the Answer: MACUSA
3 – Question: Who is the potions professor? and also the Answer: Severus Snape
4 – Question: Who is the flying instructor? and also the Answer: Madam Hooch
5 – Question: What do you say to summon a broom to your hand? and also the Answer: Up
6 – Question: A Firebolt is a type of what? and also the Answer: Broom
7 – Question: Where are Flying lessons held? and also the Answer: The training grounds
8 – Question: What is Madame Hooch’s second job? and also the Answer: Quiddich Referee
9 – Question: No spell yet devised allows a Wizard to do what? and also the Answer: Fly unaided
10 – Question: Who is the Divination Professor? and also the Answer: Professor Trelawney
11 – Question: Madam Hooch has distinct yellow what? and also the Answer: Eyes